a coronary infarct, it is essential to stop with smoking as soon as possible.
The patches and other substitutes are an essential help, always indicated,
even with high doses.
is catastrophic for the heart; one will never say it enough. But it is
even more dangerous for a person who has just made a coronary infarction
because he is exposed to a relapse. It should indeed be known that each
cigarette involves a spasm of the coronary arteries,
spasm which can be at the origin of an infarction.
is thus necessary to stop smoking as soon as possible when one has just
made such an infarction and to put the question of the danger of patches
and other nicotinic substitutes among weakened patients. Finally, are
they not as dangerous as the cigarettes themselves? The answer is clearly
no: they are inoffensive since they contribute to the weaning
of a highly dangerous nicotine use.
to be afraid of the transgressions
The transgressions should not be feared anymore. To take a cigarette again
should not be a catastrophe as long as you continue your programme to
stop the use of tobacco. The most important thing is never to stop stopping.
It is like a long distance race. A fall or a point on side should not
disqualify you.
it is essential to be followed by a tobacco specialist or your
family practitioner. He will advise you regarding the doses of
your nicotinic substitutes. Their help is invaluable to hold out and to
pass the cap of the first three month. Try also to be supported by your
entourage. Stop smoking is in, you will pass for a hero!
- Nicotine and heart: Long live the substitutes!
Sources: Dr. Philippe Presles www.esante.fr
Guide practises "I stop smoking", INPES; www.tabac-info.net.
AQP: Up to 8 centimetres of final diminution in only one session !
spoke about it in our winter edition: lipotomy AQP belongs to the advanced
techniques implemented to currently fight against the encrusted cellulites.
It corrects perfectly contours such as the pads on the hips, knees, buttocks,
outside of the thighs (saddle bags) or the belly. Permanently!
permanently ?
fat cells of the areas with problems are infiltrated with a hypotonic
physiological salt solution. This solution crosses the aquaporines
(or AQP) which is the membrane proteins forming the pores of the biological
membrane of the fat cells. Result: they are gorged with liquid and…
burst! The remainders are then eliminated by normal way, in blood circulation.
European Clinics specialists take the measures before the lipotomy and
during later controls (after 2 weeks and 2 months). The results exceed
the hopes! The decreases start with 2 centimetres and go up to 8 centimetres
what means almost 2 sizes of clothing.
also notes, in almost all the cases an improvement of the quality of the
skin and a disappearance "of the orange skin". It is still a
little early to make a statement on the final character of this improvement
because the orange skin is strongly related to a multitude of factors
supporting such as smoking, not practising sports, to suffer of an excess
of weight, to eat too spicy food, etc.
will talk about some more results and of the first scientific studies
regarding this subject.
news does not make us smile. Nevertheless, we would like you to share
our joy, through the first results of lipotomy, and our curiosities
in the field of health.
Our newsletter will appear each season: you received our winter issue;
here we offer you our spring edition.
Your reactions and your comments are always welcome since this newsletter
is devoted to you
Good reading!
European Clinics Team
new European disease
entry of ten new members within the Union on the 1st of May could push
our pharmaceutical research laboratories to leave their torpor, since
tuberculosis will not be any more one foreign or clandestine pathology
but an new-European evil.
avoid an invasion of tubercular patients before 1st of May 1, the modern
States of the Baltic, confronted like us but on a more significant scale
(taken refuge candidates and clandestine workers coming from the communist
ex-block) with the bacilli of Koch multiS and multiR, chose to send specialized
medical teams… to the East, to deal with the problem on the spot,
thanks to a well understood cooperation .
day before the birth of Europe with twenty-five, the applicants as political
refugees and the clandestine workers (prostitutes among other things)
coming from the East, as well as the crowd of tramps (CRP, homeless) fleeing
the areas of Africa and Asia where tuberculosis is almost an normal disease,
represent a half of the cases attended in the EEC Months of care in quarantine
are necessary to avoid any contamination.
Source - "The General practitioner" 21.04.04.
men too
men want to get rid of their superfluous kilos. Their good looking is
concerned, but also their health.
the age of thirty, a man out of six is too heavy. And between 30 and 40
years, the overweight touches a man out of three. And that is due to our
way of life. One leaves the statute of student for a rather sedentary
work, one gets married, eats good home made cooking, takes business lunches,
gets out and practises sport lesser and so on. Finally, one grows heavier!
And your good looking is not the only one to suffer from all this. Health
is also in danger.
belly and love handles
the man, abdominal grease is the first to concentrate the excessive kilos.
However this localization involves a resistance to insulin and automatically
a greater risk for arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diabetes and
other diseases. But men can be sure; they burn naturally more energy than
women do, and therefore your small efforts will be quickly more effective.
It should be also noted that the loss in weight is increasingly easier
after a reduction of the fat concentrations (lipotomy or liposculpture).
in all, two types of regime are possible to find a slender silhouette:
the fast regime (and not express) and the regime full form. After medical
opinion, one will last one to two months, the other, which can take over
first, will be spread out more in time in order to be appropriate for
those which want to lose weight without giving up giving pleasure
